Punta Cana white taxis

When planning a trip to Punta Cana, you’re probably considering how you’ll get around. There are multiple modes of transport, including taking taxis, public transportation or renting a car. Which one out of these three options is most recommended? Read on to find out.

Use Public Transportation

Public transportation in Punta Cana consists mainly of buses, known as Guaguas. They are marked with either “Sitrabapu” or “Tramabapu.” To make sure you get off at the right place, tell the driver where you want to go when they collect your fare.

Taking the bus is a cheap option, but not highly recommended for tourists. Buses are not always on time and stops are not easily marked. If you really want to socialize with locals, though, then you might want to research this option more.

The lack of information available online to tourists about Punta Cana’s public transportation, and those who’ve taken it suggests that another option is the best way to get around as a visitor.

Rent a Car

Rent a car

For travel in many parts of the United States, Canada and sometimes Europe, renting a car is standard and expected. In Punta Cana, however, it deserves another look. Car rental companies with which you might be familiar, such as Hertz, Thrifty Car Rental and Fox Rent A Car, have outlets at the Punta Cana International Airport.

Cars allow you to take charge of your own transportation and to be adventurous. If you do decide to drive, be aware of the differences here with what you are accustomed. There is a lot of traffic in Punta Cana. In addition, signage and lighting are scarce and speed limits and signs are not always obeyed.

This forum has some comments from past travelers on whether or not to rent a car.

Take a Taxi

Taking a taxi is easy given their abundance in Punta Cana. They are convenient for taking to and from the airport, and prices are negotiable. The only con is that taxi travel can get expensive. Dominican Airport Transfers and Transfers.do are popular shuttle transportation options.

More information about taxis and fares can be found on TripAdvisor.

Yellow taxis

In sum, taking taxis, plus walking to destinations close to your lodging, is the best bet for most people traveling to Punta Cana. Yes, it is an investment in cost, but you want to stay safe and happy on your vacation.

Plus, you want to get to your destinations in the quickest and most efficient ways possible. After all, you want your time here to be enjoyable and memorable.


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